
Seeds Treatment Service

Benefits of Seed Treatment:

Prevents spread of plant diseases
Protects seed from seed rot and seedling blights
Improves germination
Provides protection from storage insects
Controls soil insects.

Seed Treatment Type


Seed Disinfection

Seed disinfection refers to the eradication of fungal spores that have become established within the seed coat, or i more deep-seated tissues. For effective control, the fungicidal treatment must actually penetrate the seed in order to kill the fungus that is present.


Seed Disinfestation

Seed disinfestation refers to the destruction of surface-borne organisms that have contaminated the seed surface but not infected the seed surface. Chemical dips, soaks, fungicides applied as dust, slurry or liquid have been found successful.


Seed Protection

The purpose of seed protection is to protect the seed and young seedling from organisms in the soil which might otherwise cause decay of the seed before germination.

Conditions under which seed must be Treated


Injured Seeds

Any break in the seed coat of a seed affords an excellent opportunity for fungi to enter the seed and either kill it, or awaken the seedling that will be produced from it. Seeds suffer mechanical injury during combining and threshing operations, or from being dropped from excessive heights. They may also be injured by weather or improper storage.


Diseased seed

Seed may be infected by disease organisms even at the time of harvest, or may become infected during processing, if processed on contaminated machinery or if stored in contaminated containers or warehouses.


Undesirable soil conditions

Seeds are sometimes planted under unfavorable soil conditions such as cold and damp soils, or extremely dry soils. Such unfavorable soil conditions may be favorable to the growth and development of certain fungi spores enabling them to attack and damage the seeds.


Disease-free seed

Seeds are invariably infected, by disease organisms ranging from no economic consequence to severe economic consequences. Seed treatment provides a good insurance against diseases, soil-borne organisms and thus affords protection to weak seeds enabling them to germinate and produce seedlings.

Method of Seed Treatment

Seed treatment is a term that describes both products and processes. The usages of specific products and specific techniques can improve the growth environment for the seed, seedlings and young plants. Seed treatment complexity ranges from a basic dressing to coating and pelleting.


Seed Dressing

This is the most common method of seed treatment. The seed is dressed with either a dry formulation or wet treated with a slurry or liquid formulation. Dressings can be applied at both farm and industries. Low cost earthen pots can be used for mixing pesticides with seed or seed can be spread on a polythene sheet and required quantity of chemical can be sprinkled on seed lot and mixed mechanically by the farmers.


Seed Coating

A special binder is used with a formulation to enhance adherence to the seed. Coating requires advanced treatment technology, by the industry.


Seed Pelleting

The most sophisticated Seed Treatment Technology, resulting in changing physical shape of a seed to enhance pelletibility and handling. Pelleting requires specialized application machinery and techniques and is the most expensive application.

Special Treatment

Designer seed for cotton
Seed treatment for rainfed millet cultivation (seed hardening)
Seed treatment for forage crops
Seed hardening for drought tolerance
Pelleting in gingelly
Special Designer Seed Technology
Live seed separation in Groundnut
Polymer coating
Rhizobial coating
Botanical seed pelleting in green gram
Seed priming
Acid delinting in cotton