
Seeds Production Contract

Seeds Production Details

No.CropProduction Start MonthProduction Ready MonthMinimum Quantity
1.TomatoAugust to NovemberMarch to April50 Kg
2.ChiliJune to JulySeptember to December50 Kg
3.CucumberJune to JulyOctober to November100 Kg
4.OkraJune to JulyOctober to November500 Kg
5.Brinjal / EggplantSeptember to OctoberJanuary to March50 Kg
6.OnionSeptember to JanuaryMarch to May5000 Kg
7.WatermelonDecember to FebruaryApril to May500 Kg
8.MuskmelonDecember to FebruaryApril to May500 Kg
9.SunflowerOctober to NovemberFebruary to March1000 Kg
10.MaizeSeptember to OctoberJanuary to February5000 Kg
11.Baby CornSeptember to OctoberJanuary to February500 Kg
12.Cluster beanSeptember to DecemberMarch to April100 Kg
13.Long Yard BeanSeptember to OctoberJanuary to February100 Kg
14.French BeanSeptember to OctoberJanuary to February100 Kg
15.CowpeaSeptember to OctoberJanuary to February100 Kg
16.PeaSeptember to OctoberJanuary to February100 Kg
17.Bitter GourdJune to JulyOctober to November200 Kg
18.Bottle GourdAugust to SeptemberDecember to January200 Kg
19.Ridge Gourd June to JulyOctober to November200 Kg
20.Sponge GourdJune to JulyOctober to November200 Kg
21.Snack Gourd June to JulyOctober to November200 Kg
22.TindaJanuary to FebruaryApril to May200 Kg
23.SpinachJune to JulyOctober to December500 Kg
24.AmaranthsApril to MayJuly to August200 Kg
25.ReddishSeptember to JanuaryMarch to August500 Kg
26.BeetrootSeptember to JanuaryMarch to August500 Kg
27.CarrotSeptember to JanuaryMarch to August500 Kg
28.Napier GrassThrough Out the Year
29.Lemon GrassJanuary to FebruaryApril to May500 Kg
30.Pamarose GrassJanuary to FebruaryApril to May500 Kg

Terms & Condition

1. Production Agreement

Before confirmation of production contract we are doing Agreement for term and condition. All parameters are including and both party agreed on it. Production given by buyer will be 10% plus or minus will be there.

2. Pricing

A. Pricing will be deciding after giving variety relevant data like Character, Per plant number of fruit, per plant seeds produce while developing variety, Greenhouse or Open field variety such criteria need to know before quote the price

B. Male-Female require as per character and planning of quantity of production.

C. Pricing will be loose packing only additional requirement price will be varied.

3. Payment Term

50% Advance while doing Agreement and rest 25% after 10 days after good receive and Germination Percentage check and remain 25% after 45 days of receiving goods or Grow Out Test.

4. Additional Facility

We also facilitate Seeds Treatment and Packing facility to buyer own risk. Small packing we can do on buyers packing design with additional cost.

5. Other

All shipment will be testing by our side like Germination, Moisture, vigor and viability if buyer need any additional certification cost will be extra.