

Onion Thrip

Symptoms of damage

Small white silvery patches are seen all over the leaves
In severe infestation, leaves dry from tip to downward

Identification of pest

Eggs: Are laid only in the tender leaf

Adult: The colour of the insect varies from pale yellow to grey


Clean cultivation, regular hoeing
Flooding of infested field will check the thrips population.
Spray insecticides dimethoate @ 0.06% or profenofos @ 0.05%

Onion Fly

Symptoms of damage

Onion leaves get rotten, shredded and rolled up
Growth of onion tubers gets hampered, tissues get decayed and becoming unfit for marketing

Identification of pest

Egg: long whitish colour eggs are laid on the undersurface of onion near soil

Larva: Whitish and adopous

Pupa: Pupation takes place in soil

Adult: Grey coloured fly


Adopt proper crop rotation
Spray malathion 1 lit/ha

Ear wig

Symptoms of damage

Both nymphs and aduts bore into the onion bulb and feed.

Identification of pest

Eggs: are laid only in the tender leaf

Adult: The colour of the insect varies from pale yellow to grey


Soil application of Carbofuran 3 G at 30 kg/ha on 20 DAS and earthed up.
Basal application of FYM 25 t/ha or 250 kg/ha of neem cake.