

Bud worm

Symptoms of damage

Larva bores into flower buds and causes shedding

Identification of pest

Eggs: Creamy oval eggs laid singly on flower buds

Larva: Dirty brown with a prominent mid dorsal stripe, black head and prothoracic shield

Pupa: Pupation takes place in earthen cocoon in the soil

Adult: Forewings are dark brown in colour, Hind wings are white with brown border


Collect and destroy the flower and buds
Spray malathion 1 litre/hectare

Leaf caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Larva feeds on the leaflets reducing them into papery structures

Identification of pest

Egg: creamy white oval eggs and laid in clusters on leaves

Larva: Devoid of prothoracic shield

Adult: Similar to N. moringae but bigger in size


Plough around trees to expose and kill pupae
Collect and destroy damaged buds along with caterpillar
Set up light trap @ 1/ha
Spray insecticides like carbaryl 50 WP@ 1gm/lit or malathion 50 EC 2 ml/lit of water

Hairy caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Larva seen in groups in tree trunks
Feed gregariously
Scraping the bark and gnawing foliage
Severe infestation leads to defoliation of the tree

Identification of pest

Eggs: Laid in clusters on leaves and tender stem

Larva: Brownish in colour with densely hairy

Adult: Large size moth with uniform light yellowish brown in colour


Collect and destroy egg masses and caterpillars
Set up light trap @ 1/ha to attract and kill adults immediately after rain
Use burning torch to kill congregating larvae on the trunk
Spray FORS @ 25g/lit or carbaryl 50 WP @ 2g/lit

Pod fly

Symptoms of damage

Drying and splitting of fruits from tip
Oozing of gummy exudate from fruit

Identification of pest

Egg: Cigar shaped, laid in groups on the grooves of tender pods

Maggot: Cream coloured maggot

Adult: Yellowish fly with red eyes


Collect and destroy all the fallen and damaged fruits
Use attractants like citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, vinegar (Acetic acid), dextrose or lactic acid
Rake up the soil under the trees or plough the infested field to destroy puparia
Spray insecticides like Nimbecidine 3ml/lit during 50 % fruit set and 35 days later

Bark caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Zig-zag galleries and silken webbed masses comprising of chewed material and excreta of larva

Identification of pest

Larva: long, stout and dirty brown in colour

Adult: Pale brown moth. Forewings has brown spots and streaks, Hind wings are white in colour


Clean all webbed material, plug the holes with cotton wool soaked in fumigants like chloroform, formalin or petrol and seal it with mud