

Shoot and fruit borer

Symptoms of damage

Withering of terminal shoots/dead hearts
Bore holes on shoots and fruits plugged with excreta
Shedding of flower buds
Withering and drying of leaves

Identification of pest

Eggs: Creamy white eggs

Larva: Pink in colour

Pupa: Greyish boat shaped cocoon

Adult: Medium sized moth. Forewings has black and brown patches and dots on white colour, hind wings are opaescent with black dots


Remove the affected terminal shoot showing boreholes.
Remove the affected fruits and destroy.
Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal crop
Grow the varieties with long and narrow fruits in endemic areas
Install pheromone trap@12/ha
Encourage the activity of larval parasitoids: Pristomerus testaceus, Cremastus flavoorbitalis
Avoid use of synthetic pyrethroids
Avoid using insecticides at the time of fruit maturation and harvest
Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5 % or
Spray any one of the following chemicals starting from one month after planting at 15 days interval

Stem Borer

Symptoms of damage

Top shoots of young plants droop and wither.
Older plants become stunted.
Fruit bearing is affected

Identification of pest

Egg: Cream, scale-like

Larva: Fully grown larva is creamy white

Adult: Greyish brown, forewings has transverse line and hind wings are white in colour

Symptoms of damage

Symptoms of damage




Collect and destroy the damaged and dead plants
Light trap @1/ha to attract and kill adults
Spray neem oil 2ml/lit
Avoid using synthetic pyrethriods causing resurgence

Hadda / spotted beetle

Symptoms of damage

Scrapping of chlorophyll
Skeletonization and drying of leaves

Identification of pest

Eggs: Cigar shaped, yellow in colour

Grub: Yellowish bearing six rows of longitudinal spines.

Pupa: Yellowish with spines on posterior part and anterior portion being devoid of spines.

Adult: 14 spots on each elytra, deep red

Skeletonized - Grub Damage

Skeletonized - Grub Damage

Grub and Adult

Grub and Adult


Collect damaged leaves with grubs and egg masses and destroy them
Shake plants to dislodge grubs, pupae and adults and destroy
Conserve natural enemies in brinjal ecosystem
Spray Carbaryl 50 WP @ 3g/lit

Ash weevils

Symptoms of damage

Notching of leaf margins
Grubs feed on roots causing wilting of plants

Identification of pest

Larva Grub: Small and apodous

Pupa: Pupates in soil in earthen cocoons

Adult :

M. maculosus: Greenish white with dark lines on elytra

M. subfasciatus: Brown

M. discolor: Brown and white spots

M. viridanus: Small light green weevil

M. subfasciatus

M. discolor

M. viridanus



Collect and destroy adults
Apply Neem cake @ 500 kg/ha at the time of last ploughing
In endemic areas, apply carbofuran 3 G @15 kg/ha on 15 days after planting
Spray carbaryl 50 WP @3g + wettable sulphur 2g/litre

Brown leaf hopper

Symptoms of damage

Reduction in size of leaves
Shortened petioles
Excessive growth of branches general stunting of plants
Conversion of floral parts into leafy structures

Plants become bushy

Fruiting is rare
Vector of little leaf of brinjal

Identification of pest

Adult: Small light brown leaf hopper


Remove infected plants and destroy them
Before transplantation dip the seedlings in 0.2% carbofuran 50 STD solution (control insect vectors)
Spray with dimethoate 0.3%

Lace wing bug

Symptoms of damage

Yellowing of leaves
Affected leaves covered with exuviae and excreta

Identification of pest

Egg: White nibble shaped eggs

Nymph: yellowish white with prominent spines

Adult: Dorsal side -straw coloured

Ventral side -black coloured

Pronotum and forewings reticulated


Spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 1 lit/ha or methyl demeton 25 EC @ 1 lit/ha