Shoot and fruit borer
Symptoms of damage

Identification of pest
Eggs: Creamy white eggs
Larva: Pink in colour
Pupa: Greyish boat shaped cocoon
Adult: Medium sized moth. Forewings has black and brown patches and dots on white colour, hind wings are opaescent with black dots
Stem Borer
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Egg: Cream, scale-like
Larva: Fully grown larva is creamy white
Adult: Greyish brown, forewings has transverse line and hind wings are white in colour

Symptoms of damage

Symptoms of damage


Hadda / spotted beetle
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Eggs: Cigar shaped, yellow in colour
Grub: Yellowish bearing six rows of longitudinal spines.
Pupa: Yellowish with spines on posterior part and anterior portion being devoid of spines.
Adult: 14 spots on each elytra, deep red

Skeletonized - Grub Damage

Skeletonized - Grub Damage

Grub and Adult

Grub and Adult
Ash weevils
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Larva Grub: Small and apodous
Pupa: Pupates in soil in earthen cocoons
Adult :
M. maculosus: Greenish white with dark lines on elytra
M. subfasciatus: Brown
M. discolor: Brown and white spots
M. viridanus: Small light green weevil

M. subfasciatus

M. discolor

M. viridanus

Brown leaf hopper
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Adult: Small light brown leaf hopper

Lace wing bug
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Egg: White nibble shaped eggs
Nymph: yellowish white with prominent spines
Adult: Dorsal side -straw coloured
Ventral side -black coloured
Pronotum and forewings reticulated
