

Spindle bug

Symptoms of damage

Sap sucking bug – damage the unopened spindle leaf
Inhabit the inner most leaf axils, usually below the spindle.
Suck the sap from tender leaflets and spindle
Severe infestation - blackish brown linear lesions on the spindle leaf
Stunted growth and twisted
Leaves become dried and shed

Identification of pest

Nymphs – light violet brown, greenish yellow with border of the body

Adult - brightly coloured red and black.


Spray application of dimethoate 0.05%
Filling the inner most leaf axils
phorate 10% G (10g/palm)

Root grub

Symptoms of damage

Grubs feed on growing roots
Infested palms show a sickly appearance
Yellowing of leaves
Tapering of stem and reduction in yield.

Identification of pest

Adult beetle is chestnut brown in colour.


Collection and destruction of adult beetles
Digging and forking of the soil
Addition of organic amendments and anti-feedants (neem, pongamia and oilcake)
Application of phorate (Thimet 10G) @ 15g per palm give effective control
Soil application of phorate around the plant twice a year
Before onset of southeast monsoon (May)
After the monsoon (Sep-October)
In severely infected gardens, the soil should be drenched with eco-friendly insecticides

Cholam or white mite

Symptoms of damage

Adults and nymphs presence on the lower surface of leaves.
The colony is found under white webs.
Feed on lower surface of arecanut leaves.


Removal of heavily infested and dried leaves and burning
Spraying under surfaces of leaves and crown with Dicofol (2 ml/litre) or Rogor (1.5 ml/litre)
Repeat spraying at an interval of 15-20 days

Inflorescence caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillars feed on the inflorescences (tender female flowers) and rachillae
Webbing and feeding the inflorescence
Spathe opening is delayed.
Yellowing of spadices,
Presence of small holes with frass and drying on the spathe


Infected spadices may be forced open and sprayed with malathion 0.05%