

Mango Stem Borer

Symptoms of damage

Grub tunnels in the sapwood on the trunk or branches
Grub bore into the sap wood and macking irregular tunnels.
Feeding the vascular tissues
interruption of nutrient and water transport on the tissue
Drying of terminal shoot in early stage
Frass comes out from several points and some times sap oozes out of the holes
Wilting of branches or entire tree

Identification of pest

Grub : Linear, fleshy, apodous

Adult : Grayish beetle with two pink dots and lateral spine


Remove and destroy dead and severely affected branches of the tree
Remove alternate host, silk cotton and other hosts
Grow tolerant mango varieties viz., Neelam, Humayudin.
Swab Coal tar + Kerosene @ 1:2 or Carbaryl 50 WP 20 g / l (basal portion of the trunk - 3 feet height) after scraping the loose bark to prevent oviposition by adult beetles.
If infestations are severe then apply the copper oxychloride paste on the trunk of the tree.
One celphos tablet (3 g aluminum phosphide) per hole
Apply carbofuran 3G 5 g per hole and plug with mud.

Bark Borer

Symptoms of damage

Young trees may succumb to the attack.
Caterpillars bore into the trunk or junction of branches
Caterpillars remain hidden in the tunnel during day time and come out at night, feed on the bark.
Presence of gallery made out of silk and frass

Identification of pest

Larva : Stout and dirty brown in colour

Adult :

Stout yellowish –brown moth with brown wavy markings on the for ewings

Hind wings is white colour.

Males are smaller than the females.


Remove and destroy dead and severely affected branches of the tree
Remove alternate host, silk cotton and other hosts
Grow tolerant mango varieties viz., Neelam, Humayudin.
Padding with monocrotophos 36 WSC 10 ml in 2.5 cm /tree soaked in absorbent cotton
If infestations are severe then apply the copper oxychloride paste on the trunk of the tree.
Hook out the grub from the bore hole - apply monocrotophos 36 WSC 10 to 20 ml/ hole
One celphos tablet (3 g aluminum phosphide) per hole
Apply carbofuran 3G 5 g per hole and plug with mud.

Shoot Borer

Symptoms of damage

Terminal shoots show tunnel from top to down wards.
Stunting of seedlings with terminal bunchy appearance.

Identification of pest

Grub : Caterpillar is dark pink with dark brown prothroacic shield.

Adult : Adult is greyish moth with grey wings having wavy lines.


Field sanitation
Collect and destroy the infested plant parts
Summer ploughing to expose the pupae
Spray carbaryl 50WP 0.1%.

Mango Hoppers

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults suck the sap of inflorescence
Shedding of flower buds and flowers
Presence of honey dew secrecation on lower leaves and development of sooty mould.
Clicking sound - movement of jassids amidst leaves.
Hoppers provide shelter in the cracks and crevices of the barks on the tree

Identification of pest

Nymph : Nymphs pale yellow, very active and hide in lower shoots or in cracks in the barks.

The insect appears in February when mango trees come to flowering.

Adult :

a. Idioscopus niveoparsus; Adults: dark with wavy lines on wings and three spots on scutellum.

b. I. clypealis; Adults: small, light brown with dark spots on the vertex and two spots on scutellum.

c. Amirtodus atkinsoni; Adults: large, light brown with two spots on scutellum.


Avoid close planting, as the incidence very severe in overcrowded orchards.
Orchards must be kept clean by ploughing and removal of weeds.
Spray two rounds of acephate 75 SP@ 1g/lit or phosalone 35 EC@ 1.5 ml/li


First spray at the time of panicle emergence , second spray two weeks after first spray.
Wettable sulphur @ 2 g/lit may be sprayed after spraying carbaryl to avoid mite resurgence.
The mixture toxaphene with sulphur (1:1) have been reported to be effective against pest.
Neem oil 5 ml/lit of water can be mixed with any insecticides
Spray 3 per cent neem oil or neem seed kernel powder extract 5 per cent

Inflorescence Midge

Symptoms of damage

Maggots attack the inflorescence stalk, flowers and small developing fruits
Maggot bore into the bud and feeds on inner content
Buds fail to open and drop down

Identification of pest

Larva : A maggot light yellowish colour and moults three times

Adult :

a. Dasineura amaramanjarae: Orange red

b. Erosomyia indica: Yellowish fly

c. Procystiphora mangiferae: Light orange fly


Remove and destroy affected flowers and tender shoots
Spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 0.06%, methyl demeton 25 EC @0.05%


Symptoms of damage

Reddish brown aphids suck the sap from leaves, petiole and fruits
Shedding of flowers.


Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts along with nymphs and adults
Dimethoate 30 EC or methyldemeton 25 EC 1 ml/l
Release coccinelid predators


Symptoms of damage

Webbed inflorescence and subsequent drying of inflorescence.

Identification of pest

a. Thalassodes quadraria:

Grey greenish looper.

Adult: green with angular wings

b. Chloroclystis sp:

Brownish looper.

Adult: Greyish moth with wavy lines


Collect and destroy the damaged leaves
Use light trap 1/ha to attract and kill the adults
Spray malathion 50 EC 2ml/lit

Fruit Fly

Symptoms of damage

Maggot bore into semi-ripen fruits with decayed spots and dropping of fruits.
Oozing of fluid

Brownish rotten patches on fruits.

Identification of pest

Larva : Yellowish apodous maggots

Adult : Light brown with transparent wing

Maggots of fruit fly dropping out of mango fruit

Mango fruit fly



Collect fallen infested fruits and dispose them by dumping in a pit
Provide summer ploughing to expose the pupa
Monitor the activity of flies with methyl eugenol sex lure traps.
Bait spray - combing any one of the insecticides and molasses or jaggery 10 g/l,

malathion 50EC 2 ml/l,

dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/l,

carbaryl 50 WP 4 g/l. two rounds at 2 weeks interval before ripening of fruits.

Biological control

Field release of natural enemies Opius compensates and Spalangia philippines

Mango Nut Weevil

Symptoms of damage

Grub makes zigzag tunnels in pulp
Eats unripe tissue and bore into cotyledons
Fruit dropping at marble stage
oviposition injuries on marble sized fruits.
Tunnelled cotyledons in mature fruit by grubs.

Identification of pest

Grub : A full grown grub is legless, fleshly and yellow with dark head

Dark weevils after emergence remain inactive, hidden in the cracks and crevices on the trunk

Adult : Adult is dark brown with a short snout.


Grub on mango

Grub on mango

Adult on Mango


Collect and destroy the fallen fruits
Maintain hygiene in storage place
Spray any one of the following pesticides
Acephate 75 SP 1.5g/lit. or Lambdacyhalothrin 5 EC 2.5 ml/lit at marble size stage of fruits, Phosalone 35 EC 2 ml/lit against Mango nut weevil

Shoot webber

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillar webbing of terminal leaves and scrapes the chlorophyll content
Drying up plants.

Identification of pest

Larva : Pale greenish with brown head and prothroacic shield.

Adult : Brown moth with wavy lines on fore wings.


Remove and destroy the webbed leaves along with larva and pupa
Spray carbaryl at 50 WP @ 0.1%
Encourage the activity of predators, carabid beetle Parena lacticincta, reduvid Oecama sp

Leaf Gall Midges

Symptoms of damage

Presence of galls on leaves.

Identification of pest

Maggots – are yellowish

Adult - Tiny mosquito like


Spray dimethoate 30 EC or methyldemeton 25 EC @ 2ml/lit.

Hairy caterpillars

Symptoms of damage

Twisting, rolling and drying of terminal leaves.

Identification of pest

Grub: yellowish

Adult: Reddish brown weevil with long snout


Spray monocrotophos 36WSC 1.5 ml.

Shoot Borer

Symptoms of damage


Identification of pest

Euproctis fraterna

Larva : yellowish with brown head, yellowish stripe with central red line

black hairs dorsally on first three segments

Adult : yellowish moth with black spots.

Prothesia scintillans

Larva : Reddish with red head surrounded by whitish hairs

Adult: yellowish moth with transverse line on the fore wings.


Collect and destroy egg masses and caterpillars
Use burning torch to kill the congregating larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adults
Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC or quinalphos 25 EC 2ml/lit


Symptoms of damage

Both nymphs and adults desap the leaves cause yellowing.

Identification of pest

Adult : White, elongate, hard scale


Pruning of infested branches and burning
Dimethoate or phosphomidon 40 SL are effective

Gaint Mealybug

Symptoms of damage

Drying of leaves and inflorescence
Presence of pinkish nymphs and adult mealy bugs on fruit and fruit stalk.

Identification of pest

Pinkish nymph


Remove weeds like Clerodendrum inflortunatum and grasses by ploughing during June-July.
Band the trees with 20 cm wide alkalthene of polythene (400 gauge) in the middle of December (50 cm above the ground level and just below the junction of branching).
Stem with jute thread and apply a little mud of fruit tree grease on the lower edge of the band
If necessary apply chlopyriphos 20EC 2.5 ml/l
Release of Australian ladybird beetle, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 10/tree

Red Ants

Symptoms of damage

Webbed of leaves with ants forming nests.

Identification of pest

Reddish ant, queen – olive green in colour


Nests should be removed and destroyed mechanically or by spraying any of the contact insecticides
Monocrotophos 2ml/lit or DDPV 100EC 1ml/lit