Mango Stem Borer
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Grub : Linear, fleshy, apodous
Adult : Grayish beetle with two pink dots and lateral spine

Bark Borer
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Larva : Stout and dirty brown in colour
Adult :
Stout yellowish –brown moth with brown wavy markings on the for ewings
Hind wings is white colour.
Males are smaller than the females.

Shoot Borer
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Grub : Caterpillar is dark pink with dark brown prothroacic shield.
Adult : Adult is greyish moth with grey wings having wavy lines.

Mango Hoppers
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Nymph : Nymphs pale yellow, very active and hide in lower shoots or in cracks in the barks.
The insect appears in February when mango trees come to flowering.
Adult :
a. Idioscopus niveoparsus; Adults: dark with wavy lines on wings and three spots on scutellum.
b. I. clypealis; Adults: small, light brown with dark spots on the vertex and two spots on scutellum.
c. Amirtodus atkinsoni; Adults: large, light brown with two spots on scutellum.

Inflorescence Midge
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Larva : A maggot light yellowish colour and moults three times
Adult :
a. Dasineura amaramanjarae: Orange red
b. Erosomyia indica: Yellowish fly
c. Procystiphora mangiferae: Light orange fly

Symptoms of damage

Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
a. Thalassodes quadraria:
Grey greenish looper.
Adult: green with angular wings
b. Chloroclystis sp:
Brownish looper.
Adult: Greyish moth with wavy lines

Fruit Fly
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Larva : Yellowish apodous maggots
Adult : Light brown with transparent wing

Maggots of fruit fly dropping out of mango fruit

Mango fruit fly

malathion 50EC 2 ml/l,
dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/l,
carbaryl 50 WP 4 g/l. two rounds at 2 weeks interval before ripening of fruits.
Biological control
Mango Nut Weevil
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Grub : A full grown grub is legless, fleshly and yellow with dark head
Dark weevils after emergence remain inactive, hidden in the cracks and crevices on the trunk
Adult : Adult is dark brown with a short snout.


Grub on mango

Grub on mango

Adult on Mango
Shoot webber
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Larva : Pale greenish with brown head and prothroacic shield.
Adult : Brown moth with wavy lines on fore wings.

Leaf Gall Midges
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Maggots – are yellowish
Adult - Tiny mosquito like

Hairy caterpillars
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Grub: yellowish
Adult: Reddish brown weevil with long snout

Shoot Borer
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Euproctis fraterna
Larva : yellowish with brown head, yellowish stripe with central red line
black hairs dorsally on first three segments
Adult : yellowish moth with black spots.
Prothesia scintillans
Larva : Reddish with red head surrounded by whitish hairs
Adult: yellowish moth with transverse line on the fore wings.

Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Adult : White, elongate, hard scale

Gaint Mealybug
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Pinkish nymph

Red Ants
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Reddish ant, queen – olive green in colour
