

Sthenias Grisator

Symptoms of damage

Wilting of branches and then the entire vine.

Identification of pest

Grub - Head is dark brown colour, pair of strong mandibles.

Adult – Medium sized, grey coloured with a white spot in the center of each elytra.


Remove loose bark at the time of pruning to prevent egg laying

Collect and destroy damaged plant parts

Swab trunk with carbaryl 50 WP 2g/ lit

phosalone 35 EC 0.07%

quinalphos 25 EC 0.05%

carbaryl 50 WP 0.1%, first round immediately after pruning and repeat it 2-3 times

Flea beetle

Symptoms of damage

Caused two type of damages

Larvae and adults feed on the upper and lower leaf surfaces – leaf injury

Adult feed on swollen grape buds

Chew holes in the sides of the newly developing grape buds

Small holes on tender leaves by adult

Root damage by grub

Identification of pest

Adult - Reddish brown, shiny with six spots on elytra

Grub – brown in colour and black colour head

Shot holes 




Remove the loose bark at the time of pruning to prevent egg laying

Shake vines to dislodge adult beetles

Collect into trays containing kerosenated water and destroy them

Insecticide: phosalone 35 EC 0.07% after pruning


Symptoms of damage

Presence of silvery white scorchy patches on the leaves.

Veins without fruits

Premature fruit drop

Identification of pest

Nymphs - yellowish brown colour and red colour abdomen

Adult - black brownish abdomen and yellowish wings



Collect and destroy damaged leaves, fruits and flowers

Insecticides: methyl demeton 25 EC 0.05% or dimethoate 30 EC 0.06%

Mealy bug

Symptoms of damage

Premature dropping of fruit.

Identification of pest

Nymph - Yellowish to pale white.

Adult - long, slender covered with white waxy secretions


Debark vines and branches and apply methyl parathion paste

Collect damaged bark, leaves, twigs and stems

Use sticky traps on fruit – bearing shoots at a length of 5 cm

Use dichlorvos 76 WSC 0.15% in combination with fish oil rosin soap (25g/lit)

Dimethoate 30 EC plus kerosene oil at 150 ml plus 250 ml in 100 ml of water

Apply quinalphos dust in the soil at 25 kg/ ha to kill ants

Release exotic predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 10 beetles/vine

Field release of parasitoids - Anagrus dactylopii, Gyanusoidea mirzai


Mealy bug

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves, shoots and fruits

Honey dew – development of sooty mould on leaves, shoots and branches

Crinkling and yellowing of leaves

Rotting of berries

Identification of pest

Nymph - pinkish in colour.

Adult – pink colour and covered with white wax


Apply quinalphos dust in the soil @ 20 kg/ha to kill the ants.

Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or monocrotophos 36 WSC at the rate of 2 ml/lit of water

Spray dichlorvos 76 WSC at the rate of 1 ml/lit with fish oil rosin soap at 25 g/lit.

Release Coccinellid beetle, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri at the rate of 10 per vine.

Pink mealy bug

Berry plume moth

Symptoms of damage

Early instar larvae web the flower buds

Matured larvae attack bunch of fruit

Caterpillar bore into green berry fruit and tunneling

Feeds on internal content

Affected berries – known as “stung berries”

Identification of pest

Larva - Small, pale green or pink with median red line.

Adult - Small moth.

Larva attack grape bunch

Affected berries (stung berries)



Collect and destroy the infested leaves and buried with soil

Summer ploughing – kill the pupae

Use pheromone trap to attract male and kill the adult

Spot application of bubrofezin and acetemprid for effective manage this pest