

Rhizome weevil

Symptoms of damage

Grubs bore into the rhizome and cause death of the plant
Presence of dark coloured tunnels in the rhizomes.
Death of unopened pipe, withering of outer leaves.

Identification of pest

Eggs: laid singly, white in colour present on the upper part of rhizome

Grub: Apodous, yellowish white with red head

Pupa: white in colour, occur in inside the corm and tunneling

Adult: Dark weevil, newly emerged weevil is red brown





Select healthy sucker and plant
Do not take regular crop in the same field to avoid initial infestation
Ensure clean cultivation
Removal of pseudo stems below ground level
Trimming the rhizome
Avoid growing Robusta, Karpooruvally, Malbhog, Champa and Adukkar
Grow less susceptible varieties like Poovan, Kadali, Kunnan, Poomkalli
Use cosmolure trap at 5/ha

Banana corm split trap

Trap adult weevils with pseudostem chopped into small pieces
kept near infested clump at 65/ha.
Soil incorporation at the time of planting: carbofuran 3 G 10g, phorate 10 G 5 g/plant.
Before planting, the suckers should be dipped in 0.1 per cent quinalphos emulsion.
Apply castor cake 250g or carbaryl 50g dust or phorate 10g per pit before planting also prevents infestation
Severe attack dimethoate, methyl demeton may be sprayed around the collar region.

Pseudostem borer

Symptoms of damage

Grub bore into pseudostem making tunnels
Cutting holes on outer surface
Exudation of plant sap-initial symptom and blackened mass comes out from the bore hole
Tunneled part decomposes and pseudostem wilts.

Identification of pest

Eggs: Laid at random on cut ends of pseudostem, yellowish-white, cylindrical in shape

Grub: Apodous, creamy white with dark brown head

Pupa: Pale yellow colour, fibrous cocoon formed inside the tunneling on the periphery

Adult: Robust, reddish brown and black weevil






Remove dried leaves periodically and keep the field clean
Prune the side suckers every month
Use healthy and pest free suckers to check the pest incidence
Do not dump infested materials into manure pit
Uproot infested trees, chop into pieces and burn
Use longitudinally split pseudostem trap at 65/ha

Banana Aphid

Symptoms of damage

Leaves are bunched into a rosette appearance, stunted growth and leaf margins are wavy with upward rolling
Do not produce bunches
Vector of bunchy top disease
Seen in colonies on leaf axils and pseudostem

Identification of pest

Nymphs: Are dark in colour

Adult: Brownish and has black veined wings




Ensure clean cultivation
Use healthy and pest free suckers to check the pest incidence
Destroy diseased plants with rhizome
Spray methyl demeton 25 EC 0.05%
Encourage activity of predators like Scymnus, Chilomenes sexmaculatus, Chrysoperla carnea and other coccinellids
Use Beauveria bassiana

Tingid or Lace wing bug

Symptoms of damage

Grubs bore into the rhizome and cause death of the plant
Presence of dark coloured tunnels in the rhizomes.
Death of unopened pipe, withering of outer leaves.

Yellowish spots on leaves


Leaf Spot

Identification of pest

Nymphs: Yellow colour nymphs found on the under surface

Adult: Yellow colour with minute fringed wings, seen under surface of leaves


Collect and destroy the damaged leaves, flowers and fruits along with life stages
Use yellow sticky trap at 15/ha
Spraying dimethoate 30 EC 850 ml/ha
Spray methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit
Spray carbendazim 3g/ litre of water Application of press mud at 5 kg per tree reduces the wilt incidence

Hard scale

Symptoms of damage

Grubs bore into the rhizome and cause death of the plant
Presence of dark coloured tunnels in the rhizomes.
Death of unopened pipe, withering of outer leaves.

Banana scale

Banana scale

Adult and crawlers

Identification of pest

Nymph: Oval translucent, Yellowish brown with waxy coating

Adult: Female circular, semi transparent and pale brown


Collect and destroy the affected plant parts
Apply carbofuran 3G 5 g per hole and plug with mud.

Fruit rust thrips

Symptoms of damage

Rusty reddish discolouration on the fingers
Yellowing of leaves and rusty growth over fruit

Red rusty spots on fruits

Red rusty streaks on fruit skin

Fruit cracking

Yellowing of leaves

Identification of pest

Eggs: Eggs are laid either at stem or undersurface of the fruit

Larvae: Are wingless, whitish in colour resembling adult lice

Adult: Yellowish white with shaded wing.






Destroy all volunteer plants and old neglected plantations
Use healthy and pest free suckers for planting
Hot water treatment prior to planting.
Bunch covers (which cover the full length of the bunch) protection applied very early.
Regular checking of fruit under the bunch covers is essential to ensure that damage
Bunches, pseudostem and the suckers should be sprayed chlorpyrifos
Soil application fipronil and bifenthrin
Field release of coccinelid predators like lacewings, ladybird beetles

Castor hairy caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillar scraping the chlorophyll content and windowing in unfurled leaves.

Identification of pest

Larva: Black with brown head having long brown hairs

Adult: Grey coloured with dark spots on the pinkish hind wings


Collect and destroy egg masses and caterpillars
Use burning torch to kill the congregating larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adults
Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC or quinalphos 25 EC 2ml/lit

Pericallia ricini

Cut worm

Symptoms of damage

Young larvae feed by scrapping the leaves from ventral surface
Later on feed voraciously at night on the foliage.

Identification of pest

Larva: Pale greenish or brown with dark marking

Adult: Yellow and purplish spots in the sub marginal areas. Fore wings have wavy white markings, hind wings are whitish with brown patch along the margin.

Scrabbing of larvae

Scrabbing of larvae




Hand pick and destroy the caterpillar
Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts
Summer ploughing to expose to the pupae
Use light trap
Spray azinphosethyl or chlorphyriphos
In severe infestation applyBacillus thuringenesis
Foliar spray with avanthe 1 ml in 100 ml of water
Field release of egg parasitoid such as Telenomus spodopterae and Telenomus remus
Field release of entomopathogenic fungus Nomuraea rileyi