

Leaf roller

Symptoms of damage

Slender green larvae mine part or whole of the leaflets of compound leaves

Leaflets turns pale brown or dark brown

Upper epidermis separated from the lower

Intervening space filled with black excreta

Folded portion is skeletonized & dries up

In severe attack, the leaflets are twisted up to form cocoons

If the branch disturbed, all larvae leave their mines

Identification of pest

Larva – cylindrical, yellow with thin, scattered hairs

Adult – small, brownish moth


Clean cultivation

Collection and destruction of infested plant parts along with leaf roller

Spray application of dimethaote 0.03% and quinalphos 0.025% were found effective against leaf roller

Fruit Borer

Symptoms of damage

Larva bores into the fruit in different phases

Young larva-tender fruits

Grown up larva- attack matured fruits

Infested tender fruits turn brown initially, and become black later

Matured fruits start decaying from one side, which gradually spreads all over, before they fall off

Bore holes

Feeding injury

Egg laid on the stem and fruits



Collection and destruction of damaged fruits

Remove alternate hosts-pomegranate, guava, sapota, tamarind

Release T. chilonis- 10 days interval -4 times

Inundative release ofTrichogramma chilonis @ 15 cc/ha

Ovipositional deterrent- Neem oil 3% or NSKE 5%

Fruit Piercing Moth

Symptoms of damage

Adult moth sucks the sap from fruits by making puncture

Identification of pest

Adult: Otheris materna





Removal of weed plants

Tinospora cardifolia

Cocculus pendules

Destruction of fallen and decayed fruits.


Collection of moths at evening by hand nets

Collection of semiloopers from the weeds and creepers

Use light trap

Destruction in kerosenised water below such light

Use of poison baits or carbaryl 2g/l

Bark Borer

Symptoms of damage

Make tunnels in the main trunk and branches

Larvae construct loose irregular webbing of silken threads

Deterioration of vitality

Reduction in yield

Bore hole

Tunneling - trunk



Keep orchard clean

Collect loose and damaged bark & destroy

Kill larvae by inserting iron spike or wire into hole


Symptoms of damage

Nymph and adults suck sap by remaining on the undersurface of leaves

Yellowing of leaves

Identification of pest

Grub : Linear, fleshy, apodous

Adult : Grayish beetle with two pink dots and lateral spine


Removal of weeds

Field release of syrphids can control aphid population rapidly.

Field release of green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea

Spray neem oil at 3%

Aphid, Setaphis bougainvilleae


Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults suck sap from undersurface of leaves

Yellowing of leaves on dorsal side in patches


Removal and destruction of alternate weed hosts

Use yellow pan traps

Spray neem seed kernel extract 5% (50 kg) and neem oil at 5 ml/l

Spray fish oil rosin soap 25 kg at 1 kg in 40 lit of water

Adult - white fly

Mealy Bug

Symptoms of damage

Covers tender growing points with white mass

Suck the sap

Vitality reduced


Early detection of mealy bugs - presence of ants - indicator

Cutting of infested twigs and leaves and burying them

Field release of green lace wing Chrysoperla carnea

Several species of ladybird beetles such as

Chilocorus sp.

Cryptolaemus montrouzieri are efficient predator

Adult - mealy bug