
Tube Rose

Tea tortix

Symptoms of damage

This pest mainly damage the flowers.
Larvae bore into buds and flowers.
Feed on the internal contents


Collection and destruction of damaged buds reduces the damage.

Setting up of light traps to attract and kill the adults.

Neem oil 0.5% to repell various stages of pest.


Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults on clusters and feed on flower buds and young leaves.

Identification of pest

Adult - tiny insects, soft bodied, deep purple or black in colour.


Spraying the infected plants with malathion @0.1% (15 days interval) is effective.


Symptoms of damage

Feed on young leaves and flower buds.
Affected plants with damaged foliage and flowers lose their elegance


Dusting the plants with 5% carbaryl - prevent the damage.
Scraping of buds exposes egg masses to natural enemies.
Netting - prevents damage from hoppers to nurseries.
Spraying of quinalphos @0.05% or malathion 0.1% or carbaryl @0.2% protects the foliage.

Red Spider Mites

Symptoms of damage

Mites found on the underside of the leaves
It webs the leaves. Mites suck the sap, resulting in the formation of yellow stripes and streaks on the foliage.
Affected leaves become yellow, silvery or bronze and distorted.

Identification of pest

Adult - red or brown in colour


Spraying with dicofol 18.5 EC @ 2 ml/l is effective.


Symptoms of damage

Rodents do considerable damage to tuberose plants in the field by making burrows.


Poison bait is helpful in checking rodent menace in the field.
Commercial bait - 'Roban' is available in the market and the same may be used effectively.


Symptoms of damage

Larvae feed on roots and tunnel into the bulbs.
Weevils - nocturnal in habit the shoots and leaves are damaged by the adult weevil.
The weevils feed the edges of the leaves, producing a notched effect.


Applying carbaryl dust (10%) in the soil before planting controls larvae