

Rose Aphid

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults are found in clusters on the tender shoots, flowers and buds and suck the sap.
Withering of tender shoots
Buds fall off prematurely and the flowers show fading.

Identification of pest

Elongated pear shaped body with large red eyes, black cornicles and pinkish in colour.

Globular yellowish green to brown or black in colour.

Yellowish green or rarely reddish.


Spray methyl demeton 1ml / lit (or) methyl parathion 2ml/lit or neem oil 0.5%

Thrips, Grape Thrips

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults – lacerate the tissues from the under surface of the leaves
Suck the oozed out sap.
Silvering or white streaks appear on the infested leaves.
Leaves show brown patches and get distorted, finally wither and drop down.
Infested flowers do not open; flowers fade and fall off down prematurely.

Identification of pest

R.cruentatus - Adults are blackish brown and the nymphs are reddish in colour.

T. tabaci - nymphs and adults are pale yellowish in colour


Spray methyl demeton 2ml (or) phosalone 2ml / lit (or) neem oil 3%

Scale, Lindingaspis Rossi

Symptoms of damage

Scales completely cover the stem.

Affected portion of the plant dries up.
In server infestation, the whole plant may die.

Identification of pest

Reddish brown waxy scale found on the lower portion of the old stem.

Female - wingless comparatively large


Cut and burn the affected branches.
Rub off the scales with cotton soaked in Kerosene or Diesel.
Spray malathion 2ml /lit. at the time of pruning
Apply carbofuran 5g/ plant (or) spray fish oil resin soap 25g/lit.

Red spider Mite

Symptoms of damage

Feed on the undersurface of leaves and are found covered with silken webs.
Yellow spots appear on the upper surface and leaves turn reddish due to feeding.
Affected leaves finally wither.
Growth and flower production are adversely affected.

Identification of pest

Eggs are laid on the ventral surface of the leaves and are whitish, spherical in shape

Nymphs and adults are red in colour.


Spray dicofol 2 ml (or) wettable sulphur 2g/lit.

Leaf Cutter Bee

Symptoms of damage

Leaf cutter bees cause characteristic damage to the rose leaves
Cutting neat circular or oval patches from the leaf margins.
Cut bits of leaves - used for the construction nest cells.

Identification of pest

Adult - hairy, medium sized dark insects

base of the abdomen tinged with red- brown colour.

They build cells in crevices and cavities in hedges, dead wood etc.


Insecticides are ineffective for preventing leaf cutting.
Cover susceptible plants with cheesecloth or loose netting for preventing leaf injury damage
Breeding sites should be eliminated
Application of saw dust on the tunnel or thick stemed plants with hollowed opening
Number of leafcutter bees in an area can be reduced if breeding sites are eliminated.
Rotting wooden boards with sawdust pushed out of excavated tunnels
To prevent leafcutter bees from tunneling into rose canes, seal exposed pith as canes are pruned.

Castor Semilooper

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillars feed voraciously on the foliage.

Identification of pest

Moth - stout, greyish brown with black blotches on hind wings

Female lays blue green, rounded and ridged eggs singly on the leaf.

Full grown caterpillar - smooth, dull greyish brown with white or brown stripes along the body.


Hand pick grown up larvae and destroy.
Spray methyl parathion 1ml/lit of water.

Slug Caterpillar

Symptoms of damage


Identification of pest

Caterpillar - fleshy and slug like, greenish body with white lines

Four rows of spiny tipped red or black which causes irritation and pain due to glandular secretion.

Adult - green wings with prominent dark patch at the base of each forewing.


Collect the infested leaves along with caterpillars and destroy.

Gram Caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Young larva bores into bud and eats the internal content.
Feed by thrusting the head inside the bud leaving the rest of its body outside.
Flowers with perforated petals are seen.

Identification of pest

Larva - greenish with dark grey lines laterally on the body.

Adult – medium sized moth with V-shaped speck and a dark border on the hind wings

black spot on the forewings.


Hand picking of caterpillars.
Spray chlorpyriphos 2ml/lit of water.

Flower Chaffer Beetle

Symptoms of damage

The beetles feed on buds and flower
Result in irregular feeding marks.

Identification of pest

Adult beetles are red in colour with black markings.


Hand picking of beetles.
Treat the soil around the trunk with carbaryl 10% Dust @ 30 g/plant
Spray methyl parathion 50 EC or malathion 50 EC at 2 ml/l of water

Chafer Beetle

Symptoms of damage

Adult beetles feed on the leaves and petals of flowers.

Identification of pest

Adult beetles are pale yellowish beetle.


Hand picking and destruction of chafer beetles during day time (Anon, 1999)
Spraying of petroleum ether extract of dried rhizomes of Acorus calamus ( 0.1 to 0.5%)
Treat the soil around the trunk with carbaryl 10% @ 30 g/plant
Spray methyl parathion 50 EC or malathion 50 EC at 2 ml/l of water.

Termite (White ants)

Symptoms of damage

Feed on the roots of young and old plants.
Attacked plants wither, dry and ultimately die.

Identification of pest

The workers are small and have soft, white body with a brown head.


Mix lindane (or) carbaryl dust with soil.
Drench the soil with chlorpyriphos or lindane 2ml/lit of water.


Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults suck the sap of the leaves
Crinkling of leaves.
Black oval puparia are seen on the under surface of the leaves.

Identification of pest

Adults with greyish wing and yellow body.


Spray Fish Oil Resin Soap 25g/lit (or) Neem oil 0.5% (or) Methyl demeton 2ml/lit of water.