


Symptoms of damage

Deformities and discolouration of lily flowers and corms (bulbs)
Attacked- buds and flowers remain closed or open irregularly.
Infested surfaces show unnatural glistening in whitish grey colour.

Identification of pest

Egg - opaque white, smooth and bean shaped, deposited in the leaf tissue and corms.

Adult - milky-white, which later turn brown

Wings have a light transverse band near the base.


Storing of infested corms at 20c for 6 weeks.
Hot water treatment - 460c completely kills thrips on corms.
Spray acephate 0.1% 2-3 times at 10 days interval.
Spray malathion 1ml (or) carbaryl 50 WP 2g /lit of water before the bud initiation.

Lily bulb mite

Symptoms of damage

Feed on the bulbs and roots and destroy them.
Infest the scales and burrow into the stems.
Infested leaves and stems become yellow.

Identification of pest

Very minute in size, visible to naked eye.

Yellowish white in colour.

Pinkish tinge, bead like, shining & slow moving mite.


Applying peat.
Steam sterilization of bulbs 600c for 30 min (or) 800c for 20 min.
Alternate cropping with rice, solar drying of soils, and ploughing with sesbania, long term submergence of water.
Chemical (or) warm water treatment of bulbs.
Fortnightly spray with dicofol at 0.025-0.04% and monocrotophos at 0.04%.

Green peach aphid

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults - found in cluster on the tender shoots ,flowers and buds and suck the sap.
Tender shoots wither ,buds fall prematurely, flowers show fading.

Identification of pest

Yellowish green or rarely reddish aphids suck the sap.


Spray one and half teaspoonful of NICOTINE SULPHATE +2 teaspoonful of soap powder /gallon of water.

Tulip bulb aphid

Symptoms of damage

Cripple the young growth and distort the general look of the plants.
Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the leaves.
Results in pale yellowing of leaves.
Curling of leaves.
Plants begin to droop.

Identification of pest

Grey with wax appearance.

Cluster under bulb coats.


Spray dimethoate 30 EC 2ml/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit or malathion 2ml/lit.
Release first instar larva of green lace wing fly.
Conserve predator like Aphelinus sp parasitizing a green peach aphid

Leaf caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Larva feed on the leaves.

Identification of pest

Black larva with red white spots.

Adult is a brown moth with yellow and red markings


Hand picking the caterpillars and destroy
Summer ploughing.
Spray application of NSKE 5%