Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Larva is greenish with pale body hairs and black head.
Adult - small white moth with black wavy lines on hind wings and abdomen.

Gallery worm
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Caterpillar is green with a red colour head and lateral brown streaks on the body.
Adult - small and dark grey.

Leaf Web Worm
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Caterpillar - green with dark warts giving rise to thin hairs
Adult - medium sized moth with light brownish wings and wings having white spots.

Leaf Roller
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Caterpillar – green colour.
Adult - white moth with brown lines along the costal margin of forewings.

Jasmine Eriophyid Mite
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Female is cylindrical vermiform with two pairs of leg
Measures about 150- 160 µ long and 44µ thick.

Red Spider Mite
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Nymphs and adults are red in colour.
Eggs are laid on the ventral surface of the leaves, whitish and spherical shape.

Tingid Bug
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Adults having whitish lacewing.
Symptoms of damage
Collect and destroy the infested leaves along with life stages of insects
Spray NSKE 5% or dimethoate 30 EC 2ml/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit
Jasmine Bug
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Nymph is dark brownish black and round.
Adult - dark brown colour, shield shape, orange and white marking on wings.

Flower Thrips
Symptoms of damage
Identification of pest
Nymphs – yellow colour
Adult – black colour
Source: https://agritech.tnau.ac.in/