


Symptoms of damage

Caterpillar makes hole on the flower bud and feeds on the inner content.
Larva attacks 2 -3 buds
Petals are eaten by the larvae.

Identification of pest

Larva is greenish with pale body hairs and black head.

Adult - small white moth with black wavy lines on hind wings and abdomen.


Collect and destroy the damaged buds with larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adult moths

Spray NSKE 5% or malathion 50EC 2ml/lit

Proper pruning and hygienic maintenance of bushes

Gallery worm

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillars make tunnels of silk and excreta outside the buds and seen on them.

Identification of pest

Caterpillar is green with a red colour head and lateral brown streaks on the body.

Adult - small and dark grey.


Collect and destroy the damaged buds along with silken tunnels
Use light trap to attract and kill the adult moths
Spray NSKE 5%or malathion 50EC 2ml/lit
Proper pruning and hygienic maintenance of bushes

Leaf Web Worm

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillar webs the leaves and branches
They skeletonize leaves by scraping away the parenchymatous tissues.

Identification of pest

Caterpillar - green with dark warts giving rise to thin hairs

Adult - medium sized moth with light brownish wings and wings having white spots.


Collect and destroy the damaged leaves along with larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adult moths
Spray NSKE 5% or malathion 50EC 2ml/lit
Proper pruning and hygienic maintenance of bushes

Leaf Roller

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillar rolls the leaves and feed on them.

Identification of pest

Caterpillar – green colour.

Adult - white moth with brown lines along the costal margin of forewings.


Collect and destroy the damaged leaves along with larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adult moths
Spray NSKE 5% or malathion 50EC 2ml/lit
Proper pruning and hygienic maintenance of bushes

Jasmine Eriophyid Mite

Symptoms of damage

This is mainly seen in mullai jasmine
Mite - felt-like hairy out growth (erineum) on the surface of the leaves, tender stem and flower buds.
Growth of plant becomes stunted and flower production is also affected.

Identification of pest

Female is cylindrical vermiform with two pairs of leg

Measures about 150- 160 µ long and 44µ thick.


Remove and destroy the affected parts.
Spray dicofol 18.5 EC 3ml/l or wettable sulphur 50WP 5g/lit

Red Spider Mite

Symptoms of damage

Feed on the undersurface of leaves and covered with silken webs.
Result of feeding, yellow spots appear on the upper surface and turn reddish.
Affected leaves finally wither away.
Growth and flower production are adversely affected.

Identification of pest

Nymphs and adults are red in colour.

Eggs are laid on the ventral surface of the leaves, whitish and spherical shape.


Remove and destroy the affected parts.
Spray dicofol 18.5 EC 1.5ml/l or wettable sulphur 50WP 2g/lit

Tingid Bug

Symptoms of damage

This is a pest of Jasminum sambac
Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the leaves
Infested leaves turn yellow which ultimately dry and drop.

Identification of pest

Adults having whitish lacewing.


Collect and destroy the infested leaves along with life stages of insects
Spray NSKE 5% or dimethoate 30 EC 2ml/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit


Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the under surface of the leaves
Infested leaves turn yellow.


Collect and destroy the infested leaves along with life stages of insects

Spray NSKE 5% or dimethoate 30 EC 2ml/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit

Jasmine Bug

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots and buds -prevents flower formation.

Identification of pest

Nymph is dark brownish black and round.

Adult - dark brown colour, shield shape, orange and white marking on wings.


Spray monocrotophos 2ml/lit.

Flower Thrips

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults attack the flowers.
Brown streaks are seen on flower petals.

Identification of pest

Nymphs – yellow colour

Adult – black colour


Spray NSKE 5% or dimethoate 30 EC 2ml/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit