

Gladiolus Thrips

Symptoms of damage

Deformities and discolouration of gladiolus flowers and corms (bulbs)
Attacked- buds and flowers remain closed or open irregularly.
Infested surfaces show whitish grey glistening.

Identification of pest

Egg - opaque white, smooth and bean shaped, deposited in the leaf tissue and corms.

Adult - milky-white which later turn brown

Wings have a light transverse band near the base.

Honey suckle thrips

Symptoms of damage

Nymphs and adults feed on the blossoms which shrivell and become dark.
Nymphs are white to pale yellow in colour.

Identification of pest

Adults - yellow to orange in colour.

Legs and forewings are yellow to pale yellow.


Spray Methyl demeton or Dimethoate 2ml/lit.
Spray Malathian 1.25 ml/lit. or Carbaryl 2g/lit before bud initiation

Flower thrips

Symptoms of damage

Flower thrips often invade gladiolus and damage the florets.


Spray methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/l. of water.
Spraying of malathion 50 EC @ 1.25 ml/l or carbaryl 50 WP @ 2g/l of water before the bud initiation.
Spikes may be sprayed with methyl parathion 50 EC @ 1ml/l l of water (flower emergence period)

Mirid bug

Symptoms of damage

Bugs - puncture the terminal shoot below the flower bud and inject toxic saliva
Flower drop occurs

Identification of pest

Nymphs are greenish.

Adult bugs are mottled yellowish or reddish brown with flat, oval bodies


Destroy the weeds in the vicinity of the crop.
Spray dimethoate 30 EC or methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit of water before flowering.