

Greenhouse whitefly

Symptoms of damage

The infection result in stunted growth.
Ultimately the entire plant dry. Rhizoctonia solani causes more losses and can attack older plants.


Soil sterilization controls the diseases.
Drenching with Pseudomonas fluorescens 2g/litre of water

Bark Borer

Symptoms of damage

The fungus forms white powdery coating on the foliage.


Spraying with 0.2% Wettable sulphur controls E. Chichoracearum.
Diseased leaves should be removed and destroyed.


Symptoms of damage

The disease appears as circular, scattered, reddish brown spots.
They coalesce with one another during moist weather involving large area and resulting in withering, rolling and drying of leaves.


Excessive watering and crowding of plants should be avoided.
Diseased leaves should be collected and burnt.
Spraying with Pseudomonas fluorescens 2g/litre of water


Symptoms of damage

The disease appears as light brown, irregular, water soaked spots on flower stalks and petals.
The spots increase rapidly and coalesce with one another and form distinct depressed lesions.
Under humid conditions the infections become severe involving the entire flower head and resulting in blossom blight and stalk rot.
The disease is favoured by drizzling rains and cool moist weather. The fungus is soil-borne and the infection starts from the base touching the soil.


Use of disease free soil for cultivation reduces the disease incidence.
Affected flowers should be collected and destroyed.
Excessive watering should be avoided.