

Mealy bug

Symptoms of damage

Infestation - under side of leaves, base of petioles and nodes of tender shoots.
Infested plants give withering appearance.

Identification of pest

Body of the scale is covered with white wax like mealy substance.

Small, soft bodied insects.

Female is wingless, oval body clothed with white threads.


Maintain adequate shade
Destroy nets of red ants and cocktailed ant
Dust Quinolphos 1.5% or methyl parathion 2% or malathion 5%
Spray the affected patches with Quinolphos 25 EC 2ml per lit of water.
Conserve natural enemies like predatory lady bird beetle, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
parasitoid Leptomastix dactylopii.

Brown scale

Symptoms of damage

Feed from underside of the leaves along the mid ribs.
Affected plants lose their vigour and the leaves dry off.

Identification of pest

Nymphs - yellow, greenish-brown or dark pink, flat and oval.

“H” shaped yellow mark (Half grown scales)

Adult - Female is a hemispherical, body is covered by a brown hard shield.


Control ants as in the case of mealy bugs.
Remove and burn weeds which harbour the scale.
quinolphos 25 EC 2ml per lit of water.

Croton Caterpillar

Symptoms of damage

Caterpillars feed on the foliage
Denuding the leaves leaving veins and petioles


Hand picking & destruction
Grow seedling on elevated benches
Increase plant spacing in nurseries
Spray malathion or quinalphos at 2ml/lit of water