

Season and Field preparation


Sandy loam soils rich in organic matter with good drainage and pH ranging from 6.5-7.5 is best suited for Tinda cultivation. This crop requires a moderate warm temperature.


Seeds are sown during January-February.

Seed rate

3.5 Kg/ha of seeds is required.

Seed treatment

Treat the seeds with Trichoderma viride 4g or Pseudomonas fluroscens 10 g or Carbendazim 2g/kg of seed.

Preparation of field

Plough the field to fine tilth and form long channels at 1.5m apart.


Sow the seeds on one side of the channel. hin the seedlings after 15 days to maintain two/pit at 0.9 m spacing.


Irrigate the field before dibbling the seeds and thereafter once in a week.

Application of fertilizers

Apply FYM 10 t/ha, N 20 kg/ha as basal and N 20 kg/ha 30 days after sowing.Apply Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria @ 2 kg/ha and Pseudomonas @ 2.5 kg/ha along with FYM 50 kg and neem cake @ 100 kg before last ploughing.

After cultivation

Weeding is done thrice to control the weed population.